About 1570 steps short

Its 9:34pm and I am only 6888 out of 8460 of my daily steps target for today.

Turns out standing in front of the class for around 3 hours did not do much for steps count 🥺 the meeting that I had does not help the cause either.

So now I must pace around indoor to make sure I kept my streak. I am on 42 days streak!

This is one of the thing that I found after using the smart watch. It acts like my accountability partner. And I am all for the gamification 😍 I enjoyed getting the badges whenever I achieved something.

Isn’t cute? 😍
Okay I am bragging 🤣

10.34 pm exactly one hour I managed to complete my target! Phewww its a close one 😎

Oh yes!

Day 1 of Social Distancing

Yes, since yesterday the Indonesian Government has stepped up the measures against COVID-19 outbreak. As of yesterday, the confirmed cases have reached 117 cases. So the government called for social distancing.

Here is a good website from WHO that gives update on COVID-19 spread

The government called is followed by the local governments. The governor of East Java and Mayor of Surabaya ordered the schools closure. Civil servants are instructed to do their work from home.

Then, my institution also announced that the campus is closed for a week. All classes will resume via online methods next week.

So, today, all of us stayed at home. I tried to help the girls do their school works. My husband and I followed tutorial on using zoom for online course. I also managed to do some of my tasks.

I know that we are among the lucky ones.

All we need to do is social distancing. I think this is the least that we can do.

My mind goes out to the doctors, nurses and all hospital staffs that must confront the virus first hand. To the leaders and policy maker that must make tough decisions to overcome this situation. Also to the others that could not stay home due to urgent obligations.

Wishing that they will have the strength to survive and this pandemic will go away soon.

Fragile Object – Treat with Care

Cuts like a knife comments from my doctor

985262_fragile_2“Mam, if I may consider you as an object, then you are a FRAGILE object. So you must treat it with care”

He carries on:

“You cant force yourself. Work work and work…you must know when to rest and really let go all your burden”

At this point, I was in total silence…speechless. I have tried for so long to be a healthy person.Year after year, it was on top of my new year resolution. Yet, I still face the same problem. Weeks and months of non stop working, perhaps almost 10 hours during weekday and sometimes 4-6 hours during weekend. Then, my body gave up and I must surrender to common flu, fever, stomach problems…

So, what my doctor said, should be my wake up call. I have no more excuse. I no longer serve in the faculty office. I definitely have to start balancing work and health. Hopefully, by that I can be a better mother and wife.


Is Walking on Stones Really Good for Your Health?

It has been a few months since I heard that close to where I live there was a new small garden. This garden like many other gardens is created as part of the Eco Campus initiated by the Institute that I work at. But, this garden has something unique about it because it has stones pave way. Word has it that walking on these stones have therapeutic effect.

The Biology Garden with Stones Pave ways

I have seen a lot of reflexology places recently where people have their feet massaged. People said that you can tell and resolve all your health issues from your feet. I thought that the stones must work with the same mechanism.

I passed this garden almost on my way to work. But being the skeptic that I am I have never tried it. But then once I met a lady that work closer to that garden. So I asked her. Does it really work? She said that she has never tried it before, but she has asked several people that she met there regularly whether the so called therapy really work. To her and my surprise, they said that it works. One of them has high cholesterol then after walking through that stones the cholesterol has dropped.

I know it sounds too good to be true. But, I am intrigued anyway. After all, I enjoyed a massage on the feet 🙂 So, finally, earlier today I went there with my mom and two girls. I tried walking on these stones. The stone is not sharp and it actually looks like a normal stone, just that it is structured carefully so that their rather edgy bit is pointing up. Well I think it is 😀

The stones

While walking on the stones, it hurt at first, but after ten steps I get used to it. So, I circled the pave way. I want to carry on, but the girls want to go somewhere else, so we left. Later on, I felt a bit of ache in my back and shoulder. Was it just my feeling or was it really because of the stones? I could not really tell…perhaps I should try it again some other time to see whether it really has a good effect on me ^^

Dengue Fever took me down for 1 and half week

What a 360 degree of separation!
While I spent the first three weeks in April 2012 really enjoying my trip in the U.S. a year later I have to spent 1 and a half week at home resting due to Dengue Fever!

It was an endemic in Indonesia and in it was also one of the disease that took my father in 2010 😦 I myself have had very bad experiences with this type of fever.

My first experience was back in 2005, when I was suspected to have contracted the fever because I showed some of the symptoms including high fever. Doctors in Indonesia, always want to be on the safe side with symptoms of high fever. Usually, if we had a high fever for around three days, they will order the patient to have a blood test. In my case, the blood test shows my Trombosit to be below the normal band of 150.000. However, at that time I also had stomach problem. I have to spent two nights at the hospital and it turns out that I have intestine problem and not Dengue Fever.

Second time around is in 2009 where I experienced high fever for more than two days, headaches and muscle and joint pains.My trombosit also fall below normal band. But this time I insisted not to be treated in the hospital. Part of it because I don’t want to leave my daughter home alone (my husband was away for work at that time). So, I just tried to had enough rest, drank lots of water and I also followed what people has been suggesting i.e. drank guava juice. I think I managed to drink 1 litre of Guava juice a day for two days in a row! I dont know whether its due to the juice or because of the rest, thankfully I got better.

Then about 10 days a go, I suddenly suddenly felt a really terrible headache and a mild fever. I went to the doctor, and he said that if it is just a common flu, the fever will usually around the neck and up. But since I got it all over my body, he was worried that I got contracted with Dengue Fever. He ordered a simple test by squeezing my arm for five minutes to see if there And his hypothesis was right, after five minutes there were were tiny red spots in my arms, which indicated that there were intravascular bleeding. He still ordered me to have a blood test afterward. The result showed that my trombosit is still above normal but the SGOT/SGPT (indicators for liver function) were way too high. He ordered me to take enough rest, drink a lot of water and eat properly. So, that’s what I did. For three days, I just lay in bed. Thankfully, I got better.

But those days of recovery really get me thinking: I must have became so prone to the disease that it came to me twice. How do I prevent it to happen again? The first thing that I read is that this fever has no vaccine yet, so the only way to prevent it: reducing the habitat and the number of mosquitoes and limiting exposure to bites.

During the period of rainy seasons, there have been quite a lot of pool of clear water where the Aedes Aegypti mosquito usually lives. Lately, there were also effort by the government to do “fogging” around the neighborhood affected by the disease. But, it was done with really toxic insecticide and it will only kill the mature mosquitoes not the larvae!

So I guess in addition to keeping your surrounding clean from pool of waters, the best way is by keeping our immune systems! This is something that I have not been able to do recently. I had a very bad routine which include work, traveling, lack of nutrition and most importantly lack of exercise 😦 that made my immune system so weak. I really need to improve this!! Here to better weeks ahead!