About 1570 steps short

Its 9:34pm and I am only 6888 out of 8460 of my daily steps target for today.

Turns out standing in front of the class for around 3 hours did not do much for steps count 🥺 the meeting that I had does not help the cause either.

So now I must pace around indoor to make sure I kept my streak. I am on 42 days streak!

This is one of the thing that I found after using the smart watch. It acts like my accountability partner. And I am all for the gamification 😍 I enjoyed getting the badges whenever I achieved something.

Isn’t cute? 😍
Okay I am bragging 🤣

10.34 pm exactly one hour I managed to complete my target! Phewww its a close one 😎

Oh yes!

Consistency is Key

Suddenly this week, my calendar got so full. A lot of things need to be done this week.

I am not prepared to leave all the habits I have worked on in the last couple of months. I need to be consistent. My workout regime has changed totally. But, still managed to get the 30-day goal getter as I hit my daily steps goal 30 days in a row.

My next goal is to get 60-day streaks! It’s very ambitious, I know, but I want to try!

Wanna fly and shine brightly like this little creature

As for my daily reading habit, well, I am ashamed to admit that I have been unable to keep it. So, I try to at least keep on journaling before calling it a night. I am currently on a 5-day streak on this blog 🙂

Catch you again tomorrow!